
The different collections

These are some of the fashion illustrations I have created so far, all with very diverse style. 1)The ecstasy collection is inspired by the rave subcultures and I wanted to create an eye catching collection with bright colours like neon green. 2)This collection is for one of my project about beautiful nightmares where the garments are beautiful but contain elements that can be scary. 3)This is a Korean inspired collection that utilises the elements of Korean hanbok with modern influences to suit the current trends. 4)This is another project where I had to create a streetwear collection on deforestation and my focus was towards the use of palm oil to make chocolates, hence the name sweetwear. 5) This was my first ever fashion illustration where it contains both digital illustration with Photoshop and traditional illustration on paper. Skills: Adobe photoshop,Fashion illustration

The different collections
The different collections
The different collections
The different collections
The different collections
The different collections
The different collections
The different collections